Saggy cheeks
Dissolve dislocated fat
Double Chin
More defined jawline
Marionette lines
Dissolve dislocated fat
Under Cheekbones
More visible cheekbones contouring
Well, the name said it all isn’t it?
Zukoi Melt Fat is a skin rejuvenation and lipolysis, with high concentrated formula of Lecithin and Bromelain.
Those 2 main ingredients are the elements that will be dissolving fat, increase metabolism and accelerate.
Lecithin help destroys and useless fat cells
Bromelain help cracks down fat and take out the inflammation
What is Zukoi melt fat?
What can Zukoi Melt Fat
do for you
Beside breaking down the fat, increasing metabolism, and dissolving fat.
Zukoi Melt Fat is also for
tightening skin
erasing cellulite
calm sensitive skin
Antioxidant - moisturize skin boost micro circulation in your skin layer which will stimulate the collagen building and skin repare at the same time.
Other side benefits from
Zukoi melt fat
Beside making fats disappear of course
Zukoi melt fat also contain side ingredients in order to give our patient the most benefits out of our treatment.